Sweet Potato Paleo Pancakes


  • 2 Sweet Potatoes (small)

  • 4 Eggs (whisked)

  • 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

  • 1/2 TSP Cinnamon

  • 2 TBSPs Maple Syrup


  1. Peel sweet potato and dice into small cubes. Fill a saucepan with 2 inches of water and bring to a boil. Drop the sweet potato in and steam for 7 minutes or until tender when pierced with a fork. Drain off the liquid and transfer the steamed sweet potato to a bowl and mash with a fork.

  2. Measure out about 1/2 cup of mashed sweet potato per serving and add it to a bowl. Add in the eggs and mix well.

  3. Melt coconut oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, pour pancakes in the skillet, no more than 1/8-1/4 cup of batter at a time. Cook each side about 3-5 minutes or until browned. Divide pancakes onto plates and top with cinnamon and maple syrup. Enjoy!


  • Spice it up! Add nutmeg or ginger spice.

  • Optional toppings: Banana slices, fresh fruit, pureed fruit sauce, chocolate chips or chopped nuts.

Want more Paleo Baked Goods recipes? Be sure to grab my Paleo Baked Goods Recipe Book here!

Learn more about how each individual ingredient from our Sweet Potato Paleo Pancakes will help nourish your body below:

  • Sweet potatoes are a nutritious root vegetable known for their vibrant orange color and sweet taste. They are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, and antioxidants. Sweet potatoes provide complex carbohydrates for sustained energy and can support digestive health, immune function, and eye health.

  • Eggs, as mentioned before, are a nutrient-dense food and an excellent source of high-quality protein. Whisked eggs can be used to bind ingredients together and add moisture and structure to recipes. They also contribute essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary for various bodily functions.

  • Coconut oil, derived from coconuts, is a source of healthy fats, primarily medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). It can withstand high cooking temperatures and is suitable for sautéing or frying. Coconut oil may have potential antimicrobial properties and can provide a unique flavor to dishes.

  • Cinnamon is a fragrant spice known for its sweet and warm flavor. It has been used in traditional medicine and may have potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon is also associated with regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity.

  • Maple syrup is a natural sweetener derived from the sap of maple trees. While it is a sweetener, it also contains some minerals such as manganese and zinc. It provides a distinct flavor profile and can be used as a natural alternative to refined sugars or artificial sweeteners.


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