Nat’s Green Bev!

I am famous among my friends for my signature green beverage. It is refreshing, delicious, and gets my digestion going in the morning.

I am famous among my friends for my signature green beverage. It is refreshing, delicious, and gets my digestion going in the morning.

I love to start my day with a healthy choice, it sets the tone for my day, and gives me the boost I need. I truly throw in whatever greens I have, and I encourage you to get creative!

Green Bev 1.jpg

What to source:

2 tbsp hemp seeds

2 cups filtered water

1 orange

1 lemon

a pinch of salt (to taste)

Garden of Life Greens Powder (no stevia)

2 scoops collagen

What to do:

  1. Blend it all together!

  2. Add more water if you want it smoother, less if you like it thicker. Also adding ice can make it nice and cold!


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